
Designing a wearable sensor for neonatal seizure monitoring

eizures in neonates (newborn children) is the most common sign of neurological dysfunction and requires immediate medical attention. Therefore, the continuous monitoring of neonatal seizures is critical for their optimal ...


AI advance in premature baby care

James Cook University scientists believe they have made an advance in the science of keeping premature babies alive.


Piecing together the preterm infant microbiome

The human microbiome—the collection of microbes living in the gut—is now recognized as an important contributor to health and disease. The environment, the host, and microbe-microbe interactions are all likely to shape ...


Using big data to save babies

Although bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)—a chronic lung disease affecting newborns—is the most common complication of preterm birth, it remains difficult to diagnose and treat. Researchers from Fundación INFANT in Buenos ...

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