Psychology & Psychiatry

NICU babies have greater risk of mental health issues

Children who spend time in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at birth have a higher risk of mental health issues later, regardless of their birth weight, say McMaster University researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Could brain scans spot children's mood, attention problems early?

Children's mental health issues are hard to predict until they're causing problems, but researchers may have found a way to use brain scans to spot which kids are at risk for depression, anxiety and attention problems.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stable home lives improve prospects for preemies

As they grow and develop, children who were born at least 10 weeks before their due dates are at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and anxiety disorders. They also have a higher ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Physicians with medicine/psych training can help complex cases

(HealthDay)—Physicians boarded in both medicine and psychiatry can offer a way to address some of the challenges associated with caring for medical patients with psychiatric comorbidities, according to an article published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rapidly meeting the mental health needs of older adults

Nearly 20 percent of older Americans experience depression and the highest rate of suicide is among older adult Caucasian males. Despite the anticipated growth of mental health needs as the U.S. population ages, there is ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links success in adulthood to childhood psychiatric health

Children with even mild or passing bouts of depression, anxiety and/or behavioral issues were more inclined to have serious problems that complicated their ability to lead successful lives as adults, according to research ...

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