Oncology & Cancer

Researcher: Children's cancer linked to Fukushima radiation

A new study says children living near the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer at a rate 20 to 50 times that of children elsewhere, a difference the authors contend undermines the government's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study details effect of radiation exposure on hormone deficiencies

In a new study, University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers, in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital, have detailed the effect of radiation exposure on the development of hormone deficiency in pediatric and young ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study: Cancer cases likely in those exposed to atomic test

After years of study, the National Cancer Institute said Tuesday that some people probably got cancer from the radioactive fallout that wafted across New Mexico after the U.S. government detonated the first atomic bomb in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop prostate cancer testing, treatment guidelines

Julio M. Pow-Sang, M.D., chair of Moffitt Cancer Center's Department of Genitourinary Oncology, and colleagues have published two prostate cancer articles in the September issue of JNCCN – The Journal of the National Comprehensive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dark-field X-ray technology improves diagnosis of pulmonary ailments

For the first time, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have successfully used a new X-ray method for respiratory diagnostics with patients. Dark-field X-rays visualize early changes in the alveolar structure ...

Radiology & Imaging

Q&A: Dense breast tissue and molecular breast imaging

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: After a recent mammogram, I was told that I have dense breast tissue. What does that mean? Should I be concerned? What does that mean for my future screenings?

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