Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Home remedies boom as India pandemic cases soar

New Delhi housewife Sashi scoops COVID-19 "immunity-boosting" powder into a jug of water every morning for her family, joining a growing number of Indians who believe traditional supplements will help ward off the pandemic.


Complementary and alternative medicine to remedy health problems

An extensive study has charted the use of complementary and alternative medicine in Europe. It found that complementary and alternative medicine is being used in connection with various health problems, particularly in situations ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Q&A: Home remedies may help prevent morning sickness

Dear Mayo Clinic: I am newly pregnant and not looking forward to the terrible morning sickness I experienced with my first two pregnancies. There were weeks when it felt like I could not keep any food down. What causes morning ...


Deaths due to tainted herbal medicine under-recorded

A University of Adelaide forensic pathologist is warning that potentially harmful substances found in herbal medicines may be playing a bigger role in deaths of 'health tourists' than previously thought.


Doctors issue warning over cough medicines that contain codeine

An article in the online journal BMJ Case Reports describes the first published case of confusional state in a healthy 14-year-old girl attributed to excessive consumption of over the counter cough medicine that contained ...


Efficacy of herbal remedies for managing insomnia

Approximately 1 in 3 Americans suffers from chronic sleep deprivation and another 10-15% of the population has chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders can profoundly affect a person's whole life and have been linked to a range ...

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