Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Peer pressure susceptibility lasts into adulthood

The term "peer pressure" is often linked to the experiences of children or teenagers in extreme situations. One University of Texas at Dallas researcher wondered if adults continue to succumb to similar pressures of social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A mental process that leads to putting off an unpleasant task

Putting off a burdensome task may seem like a universal trait, but new research suggests that people whose negative attitudes tend to dictate their behavior in a range of situations are more likely to delay tackling the task ...

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Self control

Self control is the ability to control one's emotions and desires, is the capacity of efficient management to the future. In psychology it is sometimes called self-regulation, and exerting self-control through the executive functions in decision making is thought to deplete a resource in the ego.

"A man without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls" (Proverbs 25:28).

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