Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

South Korea passes new law to curb MERS outbreak

South Korea has introduced a new law designed to curb a MERS outbreak, tightening quarantine restrictions and imposing jail sentences on those who defy anti-infection measures in a crisis that has now left 31 dead.


Diabetes drug may reduce heart attack risk in HIV patients

In patients with HIV, a diabetes drug may have benefits beyond lowering blood sugar. A new study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests the drug may prevent cardiovascular problems ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Higher suicide risk after served prison sentence

People who have been in prison run a higher risk of committing suicide; 18 times that of the general population. By far the highest risk of suicide comes in the first months after release and among individuals with a history ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helping children learn what not to say

Amy Bidgood is in the third year of a part-time PhD in the Child Language Study Centre, part of the Department of Psychological Sciences

Psychology & Psychiatry

Incarceration has no effect on nonresident fathers' parenting

A prison sentence may not always have negative consequences for children of the incarcerated, says University of California, Irvine sociologist Kristin Turney. In a new study, she finds that when an uninvolved dad spends ...

Oncology & Cancer

A father and daughter's race to beat leukemia

(HealthDay)—Bruce Cleland has vivid memories of the day in 1986 when he learned that his daughter Georgia, then 2, had been diagnosed with the most common form of childhood leukemia.


Understanding India's rape crisis

On Sept. 13, a judge sentenced four men to death for the gang rape and resulting death of a 23-year-old woman on a bus in New Delhi, and the verdict sparked public demonstrations in support. That brutal crime, and a string ...

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