Psychology & Psychiatry

A 48-hour sexual 'afterglow' helps to bond partners over time

Sex plays a central role in reproduction, and it can be pleasurable, but new findings suggest that it may serve an additional purpose: bonding partners together. A study of newlywed couples, published in Psychological Science, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Orgasm gap impacts how much women want one, study finds

A Rutgers-led study finds that when men and women have more frequent orgasms in their relationship, they want and expect more orgasms. The opposite happens when a person climaxes less often.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women happier in relationships when men feel their pain

Men like to know when their wife or girlfriend is happy while women really want the man in their life to know when they are upset, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.


The lifelong health benefits of intimacy

(HealthDay)—Much research has explored the mental and physical health benefits of maintaining social contacts well into later life. Studies also show that maintaining sexual health can have profound benefits that may include ...

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