Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Skip the steroids for shoulder pain?

(HealthDay)—For relief of shoulder pain, physical therapy and steroid shots provide similar results, a new study finds.


New research identifies risk factors for little league shoulder

As cases of Little League Shoulder (LLS) occur more frequently, the need for additional information about the causes and outcomes of the condition has become clear. Researchers presenting at the American Orthopaedic Society ...


Managing chronic bone and joint pain

Musculoskeletal pain of the bone, joint and muscles is one of the most common reasons for primary care visits in the United States. According to a literature review appearing in a recent issue of the Journal of the American ...


Luggage-lifting tips for safe travels

(HealthDay)—Carrying and lifting heavy luggage during the holidays can lead to neck, wrist, back and shoulder pain and injuries unless you take proper safety precautions, an orthopedic surgeon says.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bullied kids often develop physical symptoms, study says

(HealthDay)—Kids who are the victims of bullies are often reluctant to report the abuse. But a new study shows that frequent and unexplained physical symptoms are common in bullied children, and experts say they can be ...


Chronic pain common complication of clot-caused strokes

Chronic or persistent pain is a common—and likely under-recognized—complication of ischemic strokes (caused by a blocked blood vessel) according to new research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.

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