
Top athletes should sleep better—and they can

Top athletes are generally good sleepers. However, there is certainly still something to be gained in the field of so-called 'sleep hygiene,' and light therapy is a promising strategy for optimal sleep, concludes sleep expert ...


Leave tablets, smartphones out of the bedroom for better sleep

(HealthDay)— Are tablets, smartphones and laptops robbing Americans of shut-eye? Absolutely, said researchers who found that the unending entertainments and the light the devices emit are a powerful, slumber-killing combo.


Toddler bedtime can switch on snooze

Bedtime fading offers a strong solution to curb toddler bedtime tantrums and promote significant improvements in sleep patterns, research by Flinders University sleep experts has found.


Study finds bad sleep habits start early in school-age children

Bad sleep habits in children begin earlier than many experts assume. That's the takeaway from a new study led by McGill University researchers. The findings suggest that official sleep guidelines for young school children ...

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