Psychology & Psychiatry

4 ways pets are good for your health and well-being

Many pet owners have found support from their pets throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and there's science to back up the physical and mental health benefits to pet companionship. The American Heart Association, a global force ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How and when do children recognize power and social hierarchies?

Humans, like most social animals, tend to be organized hierarchically. In any group or social relationship there are always individuals who, for various reasons, significantly influence the behavior of others. These individuals ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can pets help LGBTQ+ people cope with microaggressions?

Angela Matijczak, a first-year doctoral student at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, led a study exploring how social support from humans and comfort from companion animals can help LGBTQ+ young ...


Should I run or not? The neural basis of aggression and flight

Our brains are wired to protect us from threats. For social animals like humans, threats often come from other members of our own species when there is conflict over food, mates, or territory. Animals with a strong sense ...

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