Gerontology & Geriatrics

Ethnic groups have higher risk of developing a physical disability

Men and women from a South Asian background are more likely to develop a physical disability and struggle with day-to-day physical activities throughout adulthood compared with their White British counterparts, new research ...


ZIP code or genetic code?

When it comes to disease and health, which is more powerful—zip code or genetic code?

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Do local employment conditions affect women's pregnancy intentions?

Economic conditions can shape the decisions that adults make about their families, such as whether and when to have children. A recent Journal of Marriage & Family analysis of US women aged 20 to 44 years found that higher ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why odds are against a large Zika outbreak in the US

Is the United States at risk for a large-scale outbreak of Zika or other mosquito-borne disease? While climate conditions in the U.S. are increasingly favorable to mosquitos, socioeconomic factors such as access to clean ...

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