
Michael's lingering threat: mold

(HealthDay)—In the flooding and devastation left by Hurricane Michael, Americans faced with the clean-up are facing a new health threat: mold.


Florence's lingering threat: mold

(HealthDay)—In the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, residents of the Carolinas are facing a new health threat: mold.


Babies stir up clouds of bio-gunk when they crawl

When babies crawl, their movement across floors, especially carpeted surfaces, kicks up high levels of dirt, skin cells, bacteria, pollen, and fungal spores, a new study has found. The infants inhale a dose of bio bits in ...


Mold a long-term problem after flooding and disasters

One of the biggest issues surrounding flooding after natural disasters is mold, a problem that can stay with a structure long after floodwaters have receded. Considering that over 17 percent of homes already have some physical ...

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