
Opening eyes to a frontier in vision restoration

A revolutionary cortical vision device, developed by Monash University researchers that could one day help restore vision to the blind, is being prepared for world-first human clinical trials in Melbourne.


How to reprogram memory cells in the brain

Long-term memory of specific places is stored in the brain in so-called place cells. A team of neuroscientists headed by Dr. Andrea Burgalossi of the University of Tübingen's Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience ...


Five diseases attack language areas in brain

There are five different diseases that attack the language areas in the left hemisphere of the brain that slowly cause progressive impairments of language known as primary progressive aphasia (PPA), reports a new Northwestern ...


Complex learning dismantles barriers in the brain

Biology lessons teach us that the brain is divided into separate areas, each of which processes a specific sense. But findings to be published in eLife show we can supercharge it to be more flexible.

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