Psychology & Psychiatry

Alert on Australian youth mental healthcare and youth suicide

Headspace and Better Access have been challenged by Australian psychiatry researchers to integrate more seamlessly with public health systems and state and local databases to make wholescale inroads into cutting mental health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men doing more family caregiving could lower their risk of suicide

Colorado State University Professor of Psychology Silvia Sara Canetto has spent many years researching patterns and meanings of suicide by culture, trying to make sense of the variability in women's and men's suicide mortality ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Globally, no increase seen in suicides in early COVID-19 pandemic

In high-income and upper-middle-income countries, suicide numbers remained unchanged or declined in the early months of the pandemic versus the prepandemic period, according to a study published online April 13 in The Lancet ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Inflammatory bowel disease may up risk for psychiatric disorders

(HealthDay)—Adult-onset inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with an increased risk for psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts, according to a study published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.

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