Oncology & Cancer

Cancer drug design targeted by COSMIC's new 3-D system

COSMIC-3D, the most comprehensive system for exploring cancer mutations in three dimensions, is launched today by COSMIC, based at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in collaboration with Astex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding new cancer drugs in the neighborhood

Cancer is caused by an accumulation of genetic changes in a cell, that overcome the normal checks and balances leading to uncontrolled growth. A complex, interacting network of proteins controls all of a cell's processes, ...

Oncology & Cancer

New computational tool may speed drug discovery

A new computational tool called fABMACS is helping scientists see beyond static images of proteins to more efficiently understand how these molecules function, which could ultimately speed up the drug discovery process.


Cause of cortical malformations targeted by researchers

Cortical malformations are a major cause of epileptic seizures and are a hallmark feature of many neurodevelopmental disorders. Expanding upon its recently-published model of cortical malformations, a Yale team lead by neuroscientist ...


Unravelling the genetic mystery behind mitochondrial disease

Researchers from the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute in Melbourne have identified two new genes linked to a major cause of mitochondrial disease. Their research opens the way for better genetic diagnosis of the disease ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Unravelling the biology of parkinsonism

Scientists have taken another step towards understanding the causes of parkinsonism by identifying what's happening at a cellular level to potentially help develop future treatments.

Medical research

A more powerful way to develop therapeutics?

A University of Toronto scientist has developed a new method for identifying the raw ingredients necessary to build 'biologics', a powerful class of medications that has revolutionized treatment of diseases like rheumatoid ...

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