
Could AI help us prepare for the next pandemic?

The first time Elizabeth Ondula thought about using technology to improve public health was when she faced a personal tragedy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her father died and she was unable to travel for his burial due to ...


How parents can set safe and healthy media limits

As a parent, you can talk with your child about media use, setting healthy limits and being responsible citizens online. But how can you reinforce healthy digital habits when they're not with you? Parental media controls ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows how empathy can be socially transmitted

Prof. Dr. Grit Hein's latest assessments of empathic abilities once again challenge the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." It seems that not only children but also adults can adopt empathic responses from ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Heat stress may affect the muscles for longer than we think

People who experience heat stress during exercise may need more recovery time to let their muscles heal, according to a new mouse study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative ...

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