Medical research

Scientists create human sperm in lab, but does it work?

French researchers said Thursday they had patented a method to create sperm using stem cells harvested from infertile men—though they do not know if the lab-fabricated seed actually works.

Oncology & Cancer

Energy network within cells may be new target for cancer therapy

Mitochondria, tiny structures within each cell that regulate metabolism and energy use, may be a promising new target for cancer therapy, according to a new study. Manipulation of two biochemical signals that regulate the ...

Medical research

Using nanobodies to block a tick-borne bacterial infection

Tiny molecules called nanobodies, which can be designed to mimic antibody structures and functions, may be the key to blocking a tick-borne bacterial infection that remains out of reach of almost all antibiotics, new research ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Kidney damage and high blood pressure

The kidney performs several vital functions. It filters blood, removes waste products from the body, balances the body's fluids, and releases hormones that regulate blood pressure. A number of diseases and conditions can ...

Medical research

Right combination of sugars regulates brain development in worms

If the development of our nervous system is disturbed, we risk developing serious neurological diseases, impairing our sensory systems, movement control or cognitive functions. This is true for all organisms with a well-developed ...

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