
Hidden dangers in the air we breathe

(Medical Xpress)—For decades, no one worried much about the air quality inside people's homes unless there was secondhand smoke or radon present. Then scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National ...


Deaths tied to painkillers rising in the US

Despite efforts by law enforcement and public health officials to curb prescription drug abuse, drug-related deaths in the United States have continued to rise, the latest data show.


Unhealthy drinking widespread around the world, study shows

A new study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that alcohol is now the third leading cause of the global burden of disease and injury, despite the fact most adults worldwide abstain from drinking.


Health issues linked to nearby liquor outlets

(Medical Xpress)—People with more liquor outlets in their neighbourhood have higher levels of harmful drinking and worse mental health than those who live further away from such outlets, according to new research at The ...

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