
The pitfalls of too much screen time

Too much screen time can cause health problems for an adult. Insomnia, social disconnection and lack of exercise are just a few. Mix it with the turmoil of teen years—or the plasticity of a preschooler's brain—and it ...

Oncology & Cancer

Q&A: Preventing colon cancer with screening, early detection

Dear Mayo Clinic: Are there ways to prevent colon cancer? What about early symptoms to watch for? I just turned 50, and I've heard colon cancer is more common as you get older. I'd like to lower my risk of getting this disease ...


Screen time plus snacking a risk for metabolic disorder in teens

Teens who sit for hours watching TV, using the computer or playing video games while eating unhealthy snacks are at increased risk for a group of risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, according to research to be presented ...


Painless ways to limit your kids' screen time

(HealthDay)—If you're in a frequent tug of war with your kids over turning off their gadgets, it could be the tactic you use when you try to persuade them to disengage.


Do young children learn anything from YouTube videos?

In a new Acta Paediatrica study, children up to 2 years of age could be entertained and kept busy by their parents showing them YouTube clips on smartphones, but they did not learn anything from the videos.

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