
Color affects people's behavior differently in virtual reality

Color affects people differently in virtual reality than in the real world, according to a new study. An expert from Heriot-Watt University says the differences could be used by virtual reality designers to make the experience ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passive virtual reality more sickness-inducing than active play

Passive watching of a virtual reality game caused relatively severe cybersickness. In contrast, active playing of the game led to diminishing cybersickness, according to a study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, ...


Researchers record brainwaves to measure 'cybersickness'

If a virtual world has ever left you feeling nauseous or disorientated, you're familiar with cybersickness, and you're hardly alone. The intensity of virtual reality (VR)—whether that's standing on the edge of a waterfall ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Achievement and escapism can lead to online video game addiction

As online video games increase in popularity—particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing people to stay home—some players are becoming addicted as they seek feelings of achievement and escape, according to new research ...

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