
At-home visual acuity tests valid versus in-office testing

Measurements for three at-home self-administered visual acuity (VA) tests were within one line of Snellen acuity compared within-office VA measurements, according to a study published online March 31 in JAMA Ophthalmology.


Atropine plus patching increases visual acuity in amblyopic eyes

(HealthDay)—For children with severe amblyopia, combined atropine and patching therapy (CAPT) results in greater mean improvement of amblyopic eye visual acuity (VA) compared with patching alone, according to a study published ...


Pure cocoa found to improve visual acuity in daylight

Eating 2.5 grams of pure natural cocoa powder serves to improve visual acuity in healthy young adults and in daylight conditions, according to research by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and the ICTAN (Institute ...

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