Psychology & Psychiatry

Detecting stress in the office from how people type and click

In Switzerland, one in three employees suffers from workplace stress. Those affected often don't realize that their physical and mental resources are dwindling until it's too late. This makes it all the more important to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nearly half of British workers at risk of burnout: survey

Nearly half of British workers are at risk of burnout as the cost-of-living crisis adds to anxiety, with work-related stress costing the British economy £28 billion ($34 billion) last year, a study said Wednesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 increased mental health risks among nurses

Nurses have experienced higher levels of burnout and associated mental health risks since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study by graduate researchers in the Department of Psychology at The University ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Working shifts may delay the onset of menopause

It's no secret that working nontraditional shifts can wreak havoc on lifestyle and sleep habits. Shift work has also been known to have a negative effect on workers' health. A new study suggests it also may delay the onset ...


Do men and women respond differently to heat stress?

According to science, women feel the cold more than men. But how do women respond to heat stress compared with men? The answer to this question may help us to make better protective clothing for firefighters of both sexes.

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