Oncology & Cancer

High fluid intake appears to reduce bladder cancer risk

Drinking plenty of fluids may provide men with some protection against bladder cancer, according to a study presented at the 10th AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, held Oct. 22-25, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Age a big factor in prostate cancer deaths

Contrary to common belief, men age 75 and older are diagnosed with late-stage and more aggressive prostate cancer and thus die from the disease more often than younger men, according to a University of Rochester analysis ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Women more severely affected by Alzheimer's than men

Women with Alzheimer's have poorer cognitive abilities than men at the same stage of the disease, reveal academics from the University of Hertfordshire in a paper published in World Journal of Psychiatry today.

Oncology & Cancer

AAD: Older men should screen themselves for skin cancer

(HealthDay)—Men aged 50 years or older are more likely to be diagnosed with invasive melanoma by a dermatologist than to detect it themselves; and they are less likely to seek a skin cancer screening due to a suspicious ...

Oncology & Cancer

Elderly patients may be undertreated for prostate cancer

It's an ongoing debate: Should men over a certain age be treated for prostate cancer? Should these patients be submitted to treatments that may result in significant side effects if they may not live very much longer?

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