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Medical economics news

Medical economics

Costs of fatal falls among US older adults trump those attributed to firearm deaths: Study

The cost of fatal falls among older people (45–85+) trump those of firearm deaths in the US, finds research published in the open access journal Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open.

Social Sciences

Social supermarkets in the UK found to provide a space to transition out of food poverty segregation

Over the last decade, urban poverty has dramatically increased in the UK, with an explosion in people needing to access emergency food parcels provided by food banks. But these food banks, while providing essential and extremely ...

Medical economics

What's at stake for health care reform in the US election?

While abortion and reproductive health care are in the spotlight during the 2024 United States presidential campaign, other health policy issues, including Medicare and Medicaid, have drawn less attention. Despite this low ...

Medical economics

Medicaid could bolster or reshape US homeless policy

Medicaid and health systems are playing a growing role in providing housing and other services to people experiencing homelessness, investments that could bolster—or eventually overtake—existing governance structures, ...

Medical economics

Disability in a pandemic—Africa's forgotten families

In 2017, a road accident left Anna Nzioka with two fractures in her right leg. After a series of operations and physiotherapy, she has slowly learned to walk again, although with the aid of a crutch.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Abortion facility access means long drives for 41.8% of women

One year after the Dobbs decision, 41.8% of U.S. women of reproductive age have to drive 30 minutes or more to reach an abortion care facility, according to a study of data as of June 2, 2023. Researchers predicted that number ...

Medical economics

More work needed to improve equity in public health

A new study by researchers at the Prevention Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) surveyed public health departments in the U.S. to understand ...

Radiology & Imaging

Study uncovers barriers to mammography screening among Black women

Breast cancer health disparities disproportionately impact Black/African American women in the United States. Black women have a 40 percent higher death rate compared to white women. Strikingly, breast cancer is the leading ...