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Medical economics news

Medical economics

Costs of fatal falls among US older adults trump those attributed to firearm deaths: Study

The cost of fatal falls among older people (45–85+) trump those of firearm deaths in the US, finds research published in the open access journal Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open.


In chronic pain, this teenager 'could barely do anything:' Insurer wouldn't cover surgery

When Preston Nafz was 12, he asked his dad for permission to play lacrosse. "First practice, he came back, he said, 'Dad, I love it,'" recalled his father, Lothar Nafz, of Hoover, Alabama. "He lives for lacrosse."

Medical economics

What's at stake for health care reform in the US election?

While abortion and reproductive health care are in the spotlight during the 2024 United States presidential campaign, other health policy issues, including Medicare and Medicaid, have drawn less attention. Despite this low ...

Medical economics

Medicaid could bolster or reshape US homeless policy

Medicaid and health systems are playing a growing role in providing housing and other services to people experiencing homelessness, investments that could bolster—or eventually overtake—existing governance structures, ...

Medical economics

Health professions requiring advanced degrees have few Latinos

Although the situation is improving, Latinos and especially Mexican Americans, remain very underrepresented in U.S. health professions that require advanced degrees, according to a study published today in the journal Health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research uncovers impact of UK housing crisis on single mothers

Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire are calling for urgent action to provide safe and stable accommodation for single mothers and their children, after research uncovered the devastating effects of the UK's chronic ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

CDC data amplifies calls for funding hepatitis plan

Only one-third of individuals diagnosed with hepatitis C have been cured in the decade since cures for the disease became available, according to a study published Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


High, low BMI tied to higher medical expenditures in children

Medical expenditures for privately insured children, including out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures, are higher for all body mass index (BMI) categories other than healthy weight, according to a study published online July 3 ...

Medical economics

The COVID cost for Asia's informal workers

As COVID-19 took hold across borders in 2020 and 2021, more than 1.6 billion informal workers were estimated by the United Nations to have been impacted by mobility restrictions and other lockdown measures to tackle the coronavirus ...