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Addiction news


High out-of-pocket costs may be barrier to filling naloxone prescriptions, study shows

Patients are less likely to fill prescriptions for naloxone when they face increases in out-of-pocket costs, according to research by the University of Michigan.


Genetic-based guidance reduces alcohol consumption among young adults, study finds

Researchers from University of Tsukuba found that personalized guidance significantly reduced alcohol intake among young adults who habitually engage in excessive drinking. This guidance was based on individual genetic information ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

ADHD meds may help pregnant patients control opioid use disorder

Opioid overdoses for pregnant patients are at an all-time high in the United States, even as overall numbers are improving. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is highly correlated with substance use disorders, ...


FDA, DOJ form task force to fight illegal vapes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Monday that it has joined up with the Department of Justice and several other federal agencies to do more to stop the sale of illegal e-cigarettes in this country.


International guideline aims to help taper off opioids safely

In Australia, opioid use is common, with approximately 13.3 million opioid prescriptions dispensed to provide pain relief for almost 3 million people between 2021–22. With opioids being so widely prescribed, it's not surprising ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows how excessive drinking affects others

A new study published in Addiction shows that around a fifth of adult Australians, from across regional and metropolitan Australia, reported harm from the excessive drinking of people they know.


Meth houses: Time for more testing?

A new Flinders University study has found less than 10% of suspected methamphetamine contamination in residences are reported to council environmental health officers (EHOs), raising further concerns more regulations are ...