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Addiction news


FDA's move to OK first menthol vapes is big mistake, health advocates say

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision to authorize the first menthol-flavored e-cigarettes has drawn the the ire of health advocates who say the decision undermines efforts to end the youth vaping epidemic in America.


A new threat to cannabis users: Smuggled Chinese pesticides

In coordinated raids last September, multiple California agencies stormed a network of illegal cannabis-growing warehouses across Oakland while state cannabis regulators singled out a salmon-colored warehouse complex surrounded ...


Risky drinking even riskier for women

A concerning number of Australian women are drinking at dangerous levels despite knowing that it is likely to be causing them harm, warn Flinders University researchers.

Medical research

Gut bacteria might discourage binge drinking

Binge drinking significantly increases the risk of alcohol addiction. In a study published in Microbiome on June 17, a team led by University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers reports that valeric acid, a substance ...


How stores use TikTok to sell e-cigarettes to children

A new paper in Nicotine and Tobacco Research shows that advertising and sales of vaping products is common on TikTok, the video sharing platform popular among teenagers. Users pushing these items often use hashtags like #puffbundles ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

If you have a mind to drink less, mindfulness can help

Mindfulness is having a moment, but is it worth all the hype? Researchers at CU's Center for Health and Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment (CUChange) say the answer is yes—particularly when it comes to drinking behavior.