Use of the novel anticoagulant otamixaban did not reduce ischemic events compared with unfractionated heparin plus eptifibatide but increased bleeding among patients with non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes ...
Statins lower the rate of cataract by 20 percent, according to research presented at the ESC Congress today by Professor John B. Kostis from New Jersey, USA. The risk of cataract was reduced by 50 percent when treatment was ...
The CHADS2 stroke risk scores 0 or 1 assign more than one-third of patients in atrial fibrillation with stroke to low or intermediate risk not mandating oral anticoagulation, according to research presented at ESC Congress ...
STEMI incidence fell in southern Switzerland after implementation of the smoking ban in public places, reveals research presented at the ESC Congress today by Dr. Alessandra Pia Porretta from Switzerland.
Mechanical chest compressions with defibrillation during ongoing compressions are just as effective, but not superior to manual compressions, for delivering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to patients in cardiac arrest, ...
Aggressive treatment with statins reduces the risk of subsequent cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease even if they have very low LDL cholesterol levels, reveals research presented at ESC Congress ...
Patients with five or more risk factors have the same stroke risk as patients with atrial fibrillation, according to research presented at the ESC Congress today by Dr. Christine Benn Christiansen from Denmark. The study ...
A shortened pre-surgical interruption of anti-thrombotic therapy, compared to the more traditional one-week interruption, has no influence on perioperative complications in cardiac patients, according to the results of the ...
Smokers who survive to 70 still lose an average of four years of life, according to findings from the Whitehall study presented at ESC Congress 2013 today by Dr. Jonathan Emberson from the UK.
Eight weeks of smoking cessation reverses the endothelial damage caused by smoking, according to research presented at the ESC Congress today by Dr. Yasuaki Dohi from Japan. Serotonin remained elevated, suggesting eight weeks ...