Archive: 01/11/2015
Iraq combats cholera with massive vaccination campaign
Iraq is carrying out a major vaccination campaign to combat a cholera outbreak that has infected more than 2,200 people, the health ministry said on Sunday.
Nov 1, 2015
One cosmetic surgery every two minutes for Brazil men: report
Once taboo, cosmetic surgery for Brazilian men is advancing at a rapid pace, with one male going under the knife every two minutes, experts said in an article Sunday.
Nov 1, 2015
'Water on the knee' could be early sign of Lyme disease
Spontaneous knee effusion, also known as "water on the knee," can be a primary symptom of Lyme disease, even when patients do not exhibit a "bull's eye" rash, another common Lyme disease symptom. According to a literature ...
Nov 1, 2015