Archive: 01/12/2016
Blood, flies, agony: inside Venezuela's hospital hell
Plumber Freddy Herrera broke his leg in four places when he crashed his motorbike nine months ago. But his real troubles started when he got to hospital.
Dec 1, 2016
'Riskiest city' for HIV, Miami opens first needle exchange
Homeless men curl up on mattresses along a broken sidewalk littered with trash and syringes in Miami, a city struggling with the highest rate of new HIV infections of any big American metropolis.
Dec 1, 2016
Alcohol intake associated with increased risk of melanoma
Bottom Line: Alcohol intake was associated with higher rates of invasive melanoma among white men and women. White wine carried the most significant association, and the increased risk was greater for parts of the body that ...
Dec 1, 2016
Study of thousands of operations finds overlapping surgeries are safe for patients
A common way of scheduling surgeries to expand patient access to care and improve hospital efficiency, known as "overlapping surgeries," is as safe and provides the same outcomes for patients as non-overlapping surgeries, ...
Dec 1, 2016
Strategy for the Trump administration to expand the role of tax-exempt hospitals
A new report recommends that the Trump Administration take action to revise existing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) policies governing community benefit spending by tax-exempt hospitals in order to encourage greater hospital ...
Dec 1, 2016
Patients with cancer history experiencing severe heart attacks benefit from cardiac care
One in 10 patients who come to the hospital with the most severe type of heart attack have a history of cancer, showing that this is an emerging subgroup of heart patients, according to Mayo Clinic research published in Mayo ...
Dec 1, 2016