Archive: 10/10/2021
Black women more likely to have labor or delivery complications due to systemic inflammation
Black women are more likely than white women to experience a severe, unexpected complication during labor or delivery, particularly due to systemic inflammation, according to research being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY ...
Oct 10, 2021
Decrease in cardiac arrest and death with anesthesiologist-led emergency team, study finds
Physician anesthesiologist-led rapid response teams led to a significant decrease in cardiac arrest and death, after a transition from nurse-only rapid response teams at the Anesthesiology Institute, Department of Intensive ...
Oct 10, 2021
Providing oral rather than IV acetaminophen to children having tonsillectomies improves care, saves costs
Providing children oral instead of intravenous (IV) acetaminophen to help manage tonsillectomy pain improves care at lower costs, according to research being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2021 annual meeting.
Oct 10, 2021