Archive: 12/01/2017
Oral iron drug found safe and effective for treating anemia in kidney disease patients
An oral iron formulation may be a safe and effective treatment for anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease, according to a new study. The findings, which appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society ...
Jan 12, 2017
Annual report examines state of college student mental heath
Despite increased demand for counseling centers on college campuses, students aren't necessarily getting sicker. Instead, it's likely student mental health needs across the country have increased due to national prevention ...
Jan 12, 2017
Women with high-risk congenital heart disease can have successful pregnancies
New recommendations from the American Heart Association provide guidance to women with complex congenital heart defects and their healthcare providers about managing successful pregnancies, childbirth and post-natal care.
Jan 12, 2017
Being rude to your child's doctor could lead to worse care
Emotions tend to run high in hospitals, and patients or patients' loved ones can be rude to medical professionals when they perceive inadequate care.
Jan 12, 2017
Sex, race and financial factors affect rates of jaw surgery for sleep apnea
Jaw advancement surgery is one of the most effective surgical treatments for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—but it's less likely to be performed in men, racial/ethnic minorities, lower-income groups, and patients with Medicare ...
Jan 12, 2017
Alternative payment model boosts quality of care for low-income patients
People receiving care by providers participating in a type of alternative payment model experienced improvements in quality of care, with the greatest gains observed among patients living in lower socioeconomic status areas, ...
Jan 12, 2017
Worsening QoL linked to early Tx discontinuation in breast cancer
(HealthDay)—For women with breast cancer, experiencing a worsening in menopause-specific quality of life (QoL) is associated with early treatment discontinuation, according to a study published online Jan. 9 in the Journal ...
Jan 12, 2017