Archive: 12/09/2013

Codeine could increase users' sensitivity to pain

Using large and frequent doses of the pain-killer codeine may actually produce heightened sensitivity to pain, without the same level of relief offered by morphine, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.

More choline for mom decreases Down syndrome effects

Down syndrome fetuses dramatically benefit when their mothers increase their intake of the nutrient choline during pregnancy and nursing, report Cornell researchers in the journal Neurobiology of Disease. Increased choline ...

These apps were made for walking

Only one quarter of senior citizens meet the national guidelines for regular physical activity, according to a report from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. This is despite clear ...

New Zealand failing in obesity prevention

A disinvestment in obesity prevention and failure to enact any major healthy food policies is contributing to New Zealand's worsening obesity statistics compared to other OECD countries, according to researcher, Professor ...

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