Archive: 13/11/2012
WHO: 107 dead from yellow fever in Darfur, Sudan
(AP)—A yellow fever outbreak in Sudan's Darfur region has killed 107 people in the last six weeks, the World Health Organization reported Tuesday, warning that the disease could spread all over the country.
Nov 13, 2012
Teenagers' brains affected by preterm birth
New research at the University of Adelaide has demonstrated that teenagers born prematurely may suffer brain development problems that directly affect their memory and learning abilities.
Nov 13, 2012
Hormone affects distance men keep from unknown women they find attractive
Men in committed relationships choose to keep a greater distance between themselves and an unknown woman they find attractive when given the hormone oxytocin, according to new research in the November 14 issue of The Journal ...
Nov 13, 2012
Better ways to monitor quality of care for newborns
In this week's PLOS Medicine, Sabine Gabrysch from the University of Heidelberg, Germany and colleagues draw upon a literature review, expert survey, and consensus method to recommend new signal functions to monitor and track ...
Nov 13, 2012
A smoker's license: Too radical for tobacco control?
In an innovative move to help reduce the damaging health effects of tobacco, the radical proposal of introducing a ''smoker's license'' is debated by two experts in this week's PLOS Medicine.
Nov 13, 2012
Early changes in liver function could detect life-threatening infection
Early changes in liver function detected by novel techniques can identify severe infection (sepsis) hours after onset and so could have important implications for the treatment of patients who are critically ill, according ...
Nov 13, 2012
Common enzyme deficiency may hinder plans to eradicate malaria
In malaria-endemic countries, 350 million people are predicted to be deficient in an enzyme that means they can suffer severe complications from taking primaquine, a key drug for treating relapsing malaria, according to a ...
Nov 13, 2012