Study aims to improve diagnosis of adult autism
Developing better tools to diagnose autism in adulthood is among the key aims of a new study by Flinders University PhD candidate Clare Holmes.
Sep 14, 2012
Developing better tools to diagnose autism in adulthood is among the key aims of a new study by Flinders University PhD candidate Clare Holmes.
Sep 14, 2012
(Medical Xpress)—A 'can do' attitude is the key to a healthy lifestyle, University of Melbourne economists have determined.
Sep 14, 2012
(Medical Xpress)—A trip to a petting zoo may bring more than a smile to a child's face—it also could lead to them getting sick. That's one reason why a Kansas State University professor says that interactions between ...
Sep 14, 2012
(Medical Xpress)—Work stress, job satisfaction and health problems due to high stress have more to do with genes than you might think, according to research by Timothy Judge, professor of management at the University of ...
Sep 14, 2012