Archive: 15/03/2019
Discovery of atrial fibrillation subtypes paves way for precision medicine
The discovery of subtypes of atrial fibrillation paves the way for individualised treatment. That's the main message from the joint EHRA/AFNET conference, where new data from the CATCH ME project will be presented, and a ...
Mar 15, 2019
Maternal deaths following C-section 50 times higher in Africa compared to high-income countries
C-sections account for one in three operations on average in Africa, and neonatal mortality rate after C-section is double the global average.
Mar 15, 2019
Early menopause in smokers linked to bladder cancer
Research shows that experiencing menopause before the age of 45 is associated with a higher risk of bladder cancer. This higher risk was notable if the woman is a smoker. The study, which looked at health outcomes of more ...
Mar 15, 2019