The psychology of comfort food: Why we look to carbs for solace Amid the global spread of COVID-19 we are witnessing an increased focus on gathering food and supplies. Apr 15, 2020 0 25
Indoor air quality merits closer attention A study covering all of French-speaking Switzerland found that energy-efficient renovation work on residential buildings tends to overlook the question of indoor air quality. The study's authors, mainly from EPFL and the ... Apr 15, 2020 0 2
Smokers turned off by plain packs, survey shows Plain packaging is making tobacco products less appealing and warning labels more noticeable, researchers at the University of Otago, Wellington, have found. Apr 15, 2020 0 0
The pandemic is forcing food to come to our emotional rescue Feeling stressed? Find yourself reaching for the snack drawer or refrigerator? It's not uncommon for people to grab a snack when feeling stressed or experiencing anxiety. Apr 15, 2020 0 1
Should pharmaceutical companies give up their patent protections to find a vaccine for COVID-19? The race for a COVID-19 vaccine is on, and as the disease continues to upend societies around the world, public health officials are calling upon pharmaceutical companies to share their intellectual property—a move that ... Apr 15, 2020 0 0
A dozen great tips for couples dealing with COVID-19 cabin fever The stay-at-home measures needed to curb the novel coronavirus pandemic are pushing couples and families across the socio-economic spectrum to their limits. Here, UC Berkeley experts with decades of research and clinical ... Apr 15, 2020 0 1
COVID-19 lockdown: Marriage could become independent risk factor for depression With lockdowns and economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, University of Michigan researcher William Axinn suspects that in a setting in which it is harder to end or escape a "bad" marriage, marriage itself ... Apr 15, 2020 0 478
'Cough chamber' shows six feet not far enough A recent Western-led study says two meters might not be far enough away if someone lets an uncovered cough loose in your direction—meaning sneeze and cough etiquette is more than a simple social nicety, but a key to stopping ... Apr 15, 2020 6 2768
How can I miss you when you won't go away? A couple's survival guide Dinner at home was not on the menu when Jennifer Monahan planned her 10th wedding anniversary. But that was before the coronavirus pandemic drove hundreds of millions of couples around the globe indoors and into intensive ... Apr 15, 2020 0 260
What was once unthinkable becomes thinkable Lockdown has been an experience of self-discovery for many Kiwis. A line I've heard from a couple of academics is that they were surprised how well their solitary scholarly habits had prepared them for self-isolation. They ... Apr 15, 2020 0 0