Archive: 19/03/2012
Is modern medicine ill with dehumanization?
"Anyone who has been admitted into a hospital or undergone a procedure, even if cared for in the most appropriate way, can feel as though they were treated like an animal or object," says Harvard University psychologist and ...
Mar 19, 2012
Trial for new drug-resistant TB treatment to begin
A global health alliance Monday unveiled plans for the first clinical tests of a new treatment regimen for tuberculosis, including for patients with resistance to existing multidrug programs.
Mar 19, 2012
Health must be central to climate change policies, say experts
Health must be taken into account in climate change mitigation strategies. It is not widely appreciated that there are many benefits to health that are likely to accrue from a low carbon economy, say experts in a special ...
Mar 19, 2012
Cytori breast reconstruction cell therapy trial results published
Cytori Therapeutics announced today the publication of RESTORE-2 trial results in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Surgical Oncology.
Mar 19, 2012
Diagnosis of ADHD on the rise: 10 million American children diagnosed with ADHD during doctors' visits
The number of American children leaving doctors' offices with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis has risen 66 percent in 10 years, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study. Over this same timeframe, ...
Mar 19, 2012
Pediatricians' pain-medication judgments affected by unconscious racial bias, study says
Pediatricians who show an unconscious preference for European Americans tend to prescribe better pain-management for white patients than they do for African-American patients, new University of Washington research shows.
Mar 19, 2012
First national guideline for sudden hearing loss published
The first national treatment guideline for sudden hearing loss, a frightening condition that sends thousands in the U.S. to the emergency room each year, was published this month in the journal OtolaryngologyHead and ...
Mar 19, 2012