Archive: 02/05/2016
Stiffening of the arteries detected in multi-ethnic study of young adults
Stiffening of the arteries usually related to aging can be detected in early adulthood using a method known as pulse wave velocity, according to a new study led by researchers at King's College London with the University ...
May 2, 2016
Elevated bladder cancer risk in New England and arsenic in drinking water
A new study has found that drinking water from private wells, particularly dug wells established during the first half of the 20th century, may have contributed to the elevated risk of bladder cancer that has been observed ...
May 2, 2016
What can we expect next in the long history of lead poisoning in the US?
While state and federal officials continue to criticize each other for failing to guarantee safe drinking water, the question of exactly who is responsible for crises like in Flint, Michigan, lies at the root of the problem. ...
May 2, 2016