Archive: 02/12/2015
Research shows that women view Zumba workouts as better than exercise
Women who trade the tedium of treadmills, for the fun and zing of a Zumba dance-fitness class report having fewer reservations, insecurities, and concerns about social judgment than in traditional group fitness classes. That's ...
Dec 2, 2015
Study reveals who is being affected by state laws that criminalize people with HIV
California laws that criminalize people living with HIV have directly affected 800 people from 1988 to June 2014, according to state-level criminal offender record information from the California Department of Justice obtained ...
Dec 2, 2015
New doctors face a future of infertility and increased disability
Delayed pregnancy, longer life expectancy, increased disability and myths of unproven alternative therapies are just some of the challenges that will face the University of Adelaide's newest medical graduates in the future.
Dec 2, 2015