Archive: 20/01/2016
Building a health care information economy based on patients' control of data
The time is right for a broad range of stakeholders to push for a health care information economy founded on the basic principle that patients should have control over their data, Boston Children's Hospital informatics researchers ...
Jan 20, 2016
Fatty acids from GM oilseed crops could replace fish oil
Oil from genetically modified (GM) oil seed crops could replace fish oil as a primary source of the beneficial Omega 3 fatty acid EPA - according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Jan 20, 2016
How much does African-American race play a role in stroke risk?
Even though young African-Americans are at three times greater risk of a first stroke than their white counterparts, they may not be at a higher risk for a second stroke, according to a study published in the January 20, ...
Jan 20, 2016