Archive: 20/05/2014
Sleep apnea-stroke connection just as high in women as in men
The link between stroke and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been established by several clinical studies in recent years, with the most significant risks attributed to male patients. Now, a new study by researchers from ...
May 20, 2014
Online game helps doctors improve patients' blood pressure faster
An online game that teaches doctors and nurses blood pressure-lowering options resulted in their patients reaching a normal blood pressure faster than patients whose healthcare providers received the same information in a ...
May 20, 2014
Physical activity can protect overweight women from risk for heart disease
For otherwise healthy middle-aged women who are overweight or obese, physical activity may be their best option for avoiding heart disease, according to a study that followed nearly 900 women for seven years. These findings ...
May 20, 2014
Team explores broader definition of successful aging
An aging population poses challenges for governments around the globe as nations grapple with how to satisfy the physical, social and economic needs of older adults. About 126 million adults 65 years and older live in China ...
May 20, 2014
Study links high cholesterol levels to lower fertility
High cholesterol levels may impair fertility in couples trying to achieve a pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, the University at Buffalo (New York), and Emory University in ...
May 20, 2014
Groundbreaking vaccine research unveiled at AAPS Conference
Innovative vaccine research will be unveiled at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' (AAPS) National Biotechnology Conference (NBC).
May 20, 2014