Archive: 20/09/2016
Why don't antidepressants work in some patients? Mouse study shows it may be down to your environment
SSRI antidepressants (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, the best known being Prozactm) are amongst the most commonly taken medicines. However, there seems to be no way of knowing in advance whether or not SSRIs will ...
Sep 20, 2016
High status job means you are less likely to respond to treatment for depression
An international study has found that having a high status job means that you are less likely to respond to standard treatment with medications for depression. These results, which may have implications for clinicians and ...
Sep 20, 2016
Sexual violence in war has lasting effect
Survivors of sexual violence in war zones suffer long lasting consequences, such as physical injury, mental trauma and social stigma, research suggests.
Sep 20, 2016