Archive: 20/10/2013
New insight in quest for single vaccine against multiple influenza strains
(Medical Xpress)—A study led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists highlights a new approach for developing a universal influenza vaccine that could protect against multiple flu strains, including deadly pandemic ...
Oct 20, 2013
Blood stem cells age at the unexpected flip of a molecular switch
Scientists report in Nature they have found a novel and unexpected molecular switch that could become a key to slowing some of the ravages of getting older as it prompts blood stem cells to age.
Oct 20, 2013
Genetic mutation found to restore translational balance in mice
In a biological quirk that promises to provide researchers with a new approach for studying and potentially treating Fragile X syndrome, scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) have shown that ...
Oct 20, 2013
Flu virus wipes out immune system's first responders to establish infection
Revealing influenza's truly insidious nature, Whitehead Institute scientists have discovered that the virus is able to infect its host by first killing off the cells of the immune system that are actually best equipped to ...
Oct 20, 2013
New idea for targeting the common cancer protein KRAS
Patients with cancers driven by the protein KRAS, which are particularly hard to treat, may benefit from small molecules that attach to and disrupt the function of a KRAS-containing protein complex, according to results presented ...
Oct 20, 2013