Archive: 21/05/2012
Should oxygen be used for patients with chronic heart failure?
Researchers at the University of Hull, in the UK, have just launched a major new trial investigating the effects of home oxygen therapy in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).
May 21, 2012
Marketing is more effective when targeted to personality profiles
Advertisers spend enormous amounts of time and money attempting to tailor their advertising campaigns to the needs of different demographic groups. After all, the concerns of first-year college students are going to be different ...
May 21, 2012
T cell imbalance increases risk for gastrointestinal infection recurrence
University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have found that an imbalance in the regulation of certain T cellsthe cells in the body that fight off infection or attack the system in certain autoimmune diseasesmay ...
May 21, 2012
Research shows some people predisposed for recurrent C. difficile infection
University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have found that some patients appear to be more predisposed for recurrent infection from the bacterium Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, and that it may advance to a more serious ...
May 21, 2012
International panel updates definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Gordon D. Rubenfeld, M.D., of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Canada, and colleagues with the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) Definition Task Force, developed a new definition of ARDS (the Berlin ...
May 21, 2012
Combination antibiotic treatment does not result in less organ failure in adults with severe sepsis
Frank M. Brunkhorst, M.D., of Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany, and colleagues conducted a study to compare the effect of the antibiotics moxifloxacin and meropenem with the effect of meropenem monotherapy on ...
May 21, 2012
Cholesterol-lowering drugs may slow prostate growth
Statins drugs prescribed to treat high cholesterol may also work to slow prostate growth in men who have elevated PSA levels, according to an analysis led by researchers at Duke University Medical Center.
May 21, 2012
Heparin-like compounds inhibit breast cancer metastasis to bone
Researchers from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have in collaboration with the University of Turku, Indiana University and two Finnish companies, Biotie Therapies Corp. and Pharmatest Services Ltd, discovered a ...
May 21, 2012