Archive: 22/02/2017
Antimicrobial resistance remains high, says EU report
Bacteria found in humans, animals and food continue to show resistance to widely used antimicrobials, says the latest report on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the ...
Feb 22, 2017
Enormous promise for new parasitic infection treatment
The human whipworm, which infects 500 million people and can damage physical and mental growth, is killed at egg and adult stage by a new drug class developed at the Universities of Manchester and Oxford and University College ...
Feb 22, 2017
Researcher advocates cost-effectiveness analyses for improving healthcare management
In healthcare management, cost-effectiveness analyses based on scientific evidence may bring significant benefits for patients and for the healthcare system by improving clinical practice and enabling more efficient use of ...
Feb 22, 2017