Archive: 24/02/2017
New antiviral drug cuts cytomegalovirus infection and improves survival in patients
Orlando- In a significant advance in improving the safety of donor stem cell transplants, a major clinical trial led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) has shown that a novel ...
Feb 24, 2017
What effect does prenatal and postpartum maternal depression have on children?
The results of a large study do not support the notion that prenatal and postpartum maternal depression is particularly detrimental to children's psychological development. Instead, the most robust effects were found for ...
Feb 24, 2017
Elevated stress levels among Norway's youngest in childcare
Researchers measured the stress hormone cortisol in 112 toddlers from 85 different childcare centres in six municipalities, approximately five months after they started attending. Children with the longest childcare days ...
Feb 24, 2017
Preventive measure during procedures using contrast material unnecessary
Contrary to what international guidelines have prescribed for many years, preventive hydration to protect renal function during procedures using contrast material appears to have no added value. In fact, in some cases there ...
Feb 24, 2017