Big decline seen in use of annual pelvic exam by young women (HealthDay)—Young women are far less likely now to get an annual pelvic exam than they were in decades past, a new report finds. Jun 26, 2019 0 0
Are testosterone-boosting supplements effective? Not likely, according to new research Men who want to improve their libido or build body mass may want to think twice before using testosterone-boosting supplements—also known as "T boosters—as research shows these alternatives to traditional testosterone ... Jun 26, 2019 0 0
Study: No outcome differences after hernia surgery by medical doctors vs surgeons in Ghana Inguinal hernia is one of the most common general surgical conditions in the world, with an estimated 220 million cases and 20 million surgeries performed annually. Inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, like part of the intestine, ... Jun 26, 2019 0 0
New research shows Parkinson's disease origins in the gut In experiments in mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found additional evidence that Parkinson's disease originates among cells in the gut and travels up the body's neurons to the brain. The study, described ... Jun 26, 2019 4 88
USPSTF urges interventions to prevent tobacco use in children (HealthDay)—The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that primary care physicians provide interventions to prevent school-aged children and adolescents from initiating tobacco use. This recommendation ... Jun 26, 2019 0 0
FDA warns two kratom marketers about false claims (HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday took two kratom marketers to task over false claims that their products can treat or cure opioid addiction. Jun 26, 2019 0 1
Muscling in on the role of vitamin D A recent study conducted at The Westmead Institute for Medical Research has shed light on the role of vitamin D in muscle cells. The study looked at the role of vitamin D in muscles in mice, and showed that vitamin D signaling ... Jun 26, 2019 0 2
Factors orthopaedic surgeons should consider when prescribing opioids Orthopaedic surgeons are the third-highest physician prescribers of opioids, writing more than 6 million prescriptions a year. Because over-dispensing of opioids is a factor contributing to the ongoing opioid epidemic, researchers ... Jun 26, 2019 0 0
Methylmercury precipitates heart failure by increasing Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission Researchers from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences revealed the molecular mechanism underlying increased risk of heart failure during hemodynamic load by methylmercury exposure. They found that exposure of ... Jun 26, 2019 0 0
New research highlights inequalities in nursing-home care for minorities America is expected to become a "majority-minority" nation by 2045, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. By 2030 alone, racial and ethnic minorities are expected to make up almost 30 percent of the older adult population ... Jun 26, 2019 0 1