Archive: 27/04/2015
An explanation of wild birds' role in avian flu outbreak
Wild birds are believed to be behind the first major widespread outbreak of bird flu in the United States. The H5N2 virus has cost Midwestern turkey and chicken producers almost 13 million birds since early March, including ...
Apr 27, 2015
Heroin use spikes among whites who abuse prescription painkillers
Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health looked at the frequency of nonmedical prescription opioid use and the risk of heroin-related behaviors and found that past-year heroin use rose among individuals ...
Apr 27, 2015
Antibiotic commonly prescribed for bladder infections less effective than others
Older women with urinary tract infections who are taking the commonly prescribed antibiotic nitrofurantoin are more likely to experience treatment failure, resulting in a second antibiotic prescription or a hospital visit, ...
Apr 27, 2015
World's largest open source health information technology project tackles Ebola
An accurate, up to the minute, accessible medical record system is fundamental to effective treatment and tracking of the Ebola virus. But how to create this type of system in the rudimentary, overwhelmed Ebola care centers ...
Apr 27, 2015