Archive: 29/09/2014
Hand size appears to stay constant, providing natural 'ruler'
People tend to perceive their dominant hand as staying relatively the same size even when it's magnified, lending support to the idea that we use our hand as a constant perceptual "ruler" to measure the world around us. The ...
Sep 29, 2014
Doctor exposed to Ebola treated in US
An American doctor who was exposed to the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone was admitted Sunday to a clinic of the National Institutes of Health outside Washington.
Sep 29, 2014
Australia won't send Ebola doctors to West Africa
(AP)—Australia has ruled out sending doctors to West Africa to help fight the Ebola outbreak there because of logistical problems in repatriating any Australian who became infected with the deadly virus.
Sep 29, 2014
Roche breast cancer drug 'helps patients live longer': study
A drug developed by Swiss giant Roche to treat an aggressive form of breast cancer has been shown to extend patients' lives by almost 16 months, researchers said Sunday.
Sep 29, 2014