Archive: 04/12/2012
Where the nonspecific thalamus meets the prefrontal cortex: First measurements made of key brain links
Inside the brains of mice and men alike, a relatively big football-shaped region called the thalamus acts like a switchboard, providing the prefrontal cortex, the part that does abstract thinking and decision-making, with ...
Dec 4, 2012
Study of link between night eating and the peculiar internal clock of fat cells
When researchers at the University of Pennsylvania messed with the internal clocks of mouse fat cells, a surprising thing happened. The mice got fat.
Dec 4, 2012
Antiretroviral treatment for HIV reduces food insecurity
Can treatment with modern anti-HIV drugs help fight hunger for HIV-infected patients in Africa? Starting antiretroviral therapy for HIV reduces "food insecurity" among patients in Uganda, suggests a study published online ...
Dec 4, 2012
'Transport infrastructure' determines spread of HIV subtypes in Africa
Road networks and geographic factors affecting "spatial accessibility" have a major impact on the spread of HIV across sub-Saharan Africa, according to a study published online by the journal AIDS, official journal of the ...
Dec 4, 2012
Brain stimulation may buffer feelings of social pain
Accumulating evidence suggests that certain brain areas involved in processing physical pain may also underlie feelings of social pain. But can altering brain activity in these areas actually change how people experience ...
Dec 4, 2012
Protected 'power naps' prove helpful for doctors in training to fight fatigue
New research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia VA Medical Center indicates that the implementation of protected sleep periods for residents who are assigned to overnight ...
Dec 4, 2012